Grown-ups have to be responsible.
You have to be the adult around assholic teenagers.
Like the ones at the "Relay For Life" that I stupidly kindly offered to help chaperone. The teenagers that, even after the warnings for 60 mph winds and hurricane-like rains continue to put up gigantic tents with no spikes, no matter how many times you, the other chaperone, and other passers-by tell them it is a bad idea. Then the little fuckers darlings go and hide in another tent while you try your damnedest to hold down this 400 lb. potential flying weapon of death with your 150 lb. frame while being pounded by sheet after sheet of rain in the form of ice spikes.
And the little ones. The ones that, no matter how many times you volunteer at their school, how much shit you donate for different parties, it just isn't good enough.
You think that you will have oh so much freedom when you reach adulthood, the learn that this gig really sucks ass.
Jenna Marbles says it best:
Sometimes, I hate being a grown-up.
Peace, Love and (karma got my back. that
you and I have to swap stories about dumb ass teenagers. I worked with/for/on them for over 20 years. Yep, I hate being a grown up too. Oma Linda
you and I have to swap stories about dumb ass teenagers. I worked with/for/on them for over 20 years. Yep, I hate being a grown up too. Oma Linda
Ugh! Being a grown up is so over rated. Give me cookies n' milk, crayons n' coloring books and a nap! I'm good! Asshole kids..
You are better than I in that you even volunteer for such things.;-)
And that video...LMFAO! Hilarious because it is so true. Sometimes when I see a kid kicking and screaming and throwing a fit I wish I could get down on that floor and join them.
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