The stuff that little Texan zombie goddesses are made of, living where the brains are served warm and the sarcasm is served raw.

The Adventures Of Zuzu Zombie, Undead Detective

Sunday, June 20, 2010

happy father's day :)

This is a pic of my hubs and the girls from 2 years ago in South Haven, Michigan.

Just think, when Don and I first got married, we whole-heartedly agreed that we would never *ever* have children, let alone *3*...especially 3 *girls*! Now he openly admits that they have him completely wrapped around his finger and thensome :).

Happy Father's Day to my wonderful hubs, to my favoritest poppy John, to my father-in-law Don Sr. and my own father, Murrell, who are no longer with us, and to all those daddy and daddy figures out there. WE LOVE YOU!!!!

Peace, Love and (daddy, can I have a dollar?) Zombies \IiiI

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