The stuff that little Texan zombie goddesses are made of, living where the brains are served warm and the sarcasm is served raw.

The Adventures Of Zuzu Zombie, Undead Detective

Sunday, June 20, 2010

30-day blog journal: day10

Day 10 of our 30-day blog is a photo of taken of me over ten years ago. Ready for this??

From left to right is my friend Cathy, myself and my friend Carrie. This was taken at Cathy's 18th birthday which, oddly enough, I have no recollection of whatsoever! From the look on my face, it is completely possible that I drunk with a capital "D" lol!

One way or the other, these are women I cannot wait to get together with again :)!

Peace, Love and (what the fook was up with my hair?) Zombies \IiiI

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you can't remember it, then it must have been a great party. lol

I have gotten lazy about the 30 Day Blog Journal. I shall hang my head in shame.