The stuff that little Texan zombie goddesses are made of, living where the brains are served warm and the sarcasm is served raw.

The Adventures Of Zuzu Zombie, Undead Detective

Sunday, April 11, 2010

i've decided-again lol

I've decided I give up on trying to figure out that whole button thingy for my blog. I have been to a bunch of different sites that all give their way to do things, and I will be darned if I understand a single one of them. Oh well...

I've decided to join Weight Watchers. I can't do this weight loss thing alone, especially with my history of eating disorders, so Tuesday night, I am going to attend my first meeting with a friend who is also one of the teachers. I'm going to give it 3 months, and if it works out, I will keep going. I don't want to be fat and miserable anymore. I am so done.

I've decided, for the one millionth time, to try and chill out my anger issues. I am so full of rage that I thought I got rid of *years* ago and it is eating me alive. How can I be a good wife and mother if I walk around wondering what it would be like to feel someones nose break under my fist. No, I haven't hit anyone, but I have broken my share of knuckles on walls, believe me. I really am a kind, gentle, sweet, soft-spoken, seriously...stop laughing...

I've decided to start loving myself. It is harder than you think...

At the end of all of this...

I may decide...

to just go ahead...

and start taking Lithium...

It's always an option :).

Peace, Love and Zombies

1 comment:

Debbie said...

A thought just came to me on the buttons...try once more with this tutorial....

She has other blogger tutorials you may want to check out as well.

Best of luck on the can anything if you put your mind to it. :)