The stuff that little Texan zombie goddesses are made of, living where the brains are served warm and the sarcasm is served raw.

The Adventures Of Zuzu Zombie, Undead Detective

Saturday, October 24, 2009

creepy saturday

I'm stealing this saturday six meme from my friend Michele. Name six places you find creepy and why:

1. Dark areas under beds/in closets/at the bottom of the stairs- Um, boogeyman, hello?

2. Hospital corridors- I'm just not a big fan of hospitals in general, but when you have to walk the halls late at night, all I can see is Michael Myers at every turn.

3. Holes I have to stick my hand in- You know, like the garbage disposal and other places where goopy stuff likes to congregate. Besides, remember "Maximum Overdrive", where all the electronics came to life? I like my fingers, you know?

4. Showers with curtains at night- You have to pee, it's around 3 a.m. You hobble in, hoping not to stub your toe. Your eyes are still half closed and you don't want to turn on the light. You sit on the potty, then look over at the tub enclosure, and notice that the curtain is open just a touch, and you know for a fact that you shut it all the way. You can just see those cold, dead fingers coming around the side of the curtain....

5. My backyard on a moonless night- I live on what is basically a nature reserve, with nothing but forest forever. On a bright, moonlit night, it is gorgeous, but on those new moon nights, where it is pitch black and the dog starts barking and running into the woods for no reason, bwah....

6. The church at night- Okay, yeah, it is a house of God and all, but tall cathedral ceilings, no lights on, long hallways, breezy doorways and ghosts dude...lots of ghosts...


Pamela said...

I hear you on the shower curtain!! If I've been gone somewhere, and the slightest little thing looks like it's out of place, I immediately rip open the shower curtain just to make sure no-one's hiding in there!!

Pamela said...

What I would do if I actually found someone there, I have no idea!!

Debbie said...

I'm right there with you on almost all of those. I definitely would not be like one of those horror movie stars that walks into a "dark" backyard when I heard a noise....nope, I'd be the one finding the best hiding place ever!!