The stuff that little Texan zombie goddesses are made of, living where the brains are served warm and the sarcasm is served raw.

The Adventures Of Zuzu Zombie, Undead Detective

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

photography meme

Another cool meme I discovered on a friend's blog. You see it, you be tagged by it lol!

The rules are:
1) Go to your picture folder, or wherever you store your photos on your computer
2) Go to the sixth folder and pick the sixth picture.
3) Post it on your blog and tell the story that goes along with the picture
4) Tag five friends to do the same thing, and leave a message on their blog that they have been tagged

This is a pic of a restaurant I spent *a lot* of time at. Village Inn. Best strawberry crepes, bacon cheeseburgers and quesadillas in the world. We always sat at the same table with the lightbulb unscrewed just enough to turn the light off. My bff and I would hang out here with out other friends after Rainbow meetings, after drinking in Juarez, or just because. Many a relationship was made and broken here. Cigarette after cigarette (when I was a smoker and before smokers were demonized), diet Coke and hot fudge sundaes at midnight. I would also go here with my mom on Saturday mornings when she would go and get her hair done. Too many memories to go through.

That was my story..what's yours??



It was brought to my attention by the aforementioned bff that I forgot the most important part of the Village Inn saga...the ritual...something we should still do every time we get together. I can not believe I forgot it. It is....

The *~*Cherry Toast*~*.

Que es, you ask. Well, on that hot fudge sundae, we would as for two cherries. We would put the cherries on separate spoons, then toast to something that was special for us. A birthday. The anniversary of Danny Kaye's passing. Toasting to how freaking awesome we are. Thinking about it just makes me smile all over, and makes me miss Naomi that much more.

Thank you for reminding me of that Gnome, and next time we get together (soon I hope), guess where we are going and what we are doing :).

1 comment:

Sleepy Cat Hollow said...


Love the Cherry Toasting!