The stuff that little Texan zombie goddesses are made of, living where the brains are served warm and the sarcasm is served raw.

The Adventures Of Zuzu Zombie, Undead Detective

Friday, January 9, 2009

friday fill-in #106

1. It's January; 3 more months until warm weather.
2. Warm weather is what I crave most right now.
3. Texas and Penny go together like batteries and electronic devices.
4. A hot bath is so nourishing.
5. Let us dare to get the hell out of Michigan and move to back to Texas.
6. Add walls to the basement of my home.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching a movie, tomorrow my plans include nothing special and Sunday, I want to bead.
Today, my friend Michelle told me that she loves the fact that I am 'real'...a real person who has no reason to hide who she is. I'm sarcastic, I swear, I care...I'm real. She told me at one point she thought I was the "perfect" type: doesn't swear, has no anger, etc. I know, I giggled too lol. She has, through time and conversation and this lovely blog, learned that I am She likes the fact that can be comfortable around me enough to tell me exactly how she feels without having to be afraid of what I will think of her later. I have been mulling that over in my head today and realize, I like that very much. Michelle is a fun, lovely, crazy lady that everyone should know. I am blessed that God popped her into my life. Thank you Michelle :).


Anonymous said...

Well, what I said is all true Penny! It is a nice "place" to be when you're comfortable enough to say what's on your mind and not have to be on guard or worry what another may think. I STILL think the wife in Fireproof could of been a little bit nicer...she certainly wasn't practicing being a Proverbs 31 woman.

Oh, and now that I know we have a mutual friend DG, I can completely relax and let it all out.... ahhhhhh!

Happy weekend...hope you get a chance to bead.


Anonymous said...


My favorite aunt...has the same personality as you.... she tells it like it is and makes no excuses nor does she judge against what rolls off of your/my/anyones tongue.
