The stuff that little Texan zombie goddesses are made of, living where the brains are served warm and the sarcasm is served raw.

The Adventures Of Zuzu Zombie, Undead Detective

Saturday, January 17, 2009

no satisfaction

The diet has been going well, I'm down a couple of pounds and then BLAM! Winter blues hit, and I want to eat everything. Only problem, nothing satisfies. That really stinks. Granted, it doesn't help that we have nothing appetizing in the house at all. I may have a specific craving, like my need for Chinese food and peanut butter and chocolate ice cream, but a) my cravings make me feel guilty, b) it is too damn cold to go get any and 3) my cravings make me feel guilty. Yeah, I said it twice, just to drive the point home lol.

So tiring is this not-so-merry-go-round. Sigh...

Anyone else dealing with this, or am I just fat, sad and alone? Geesh I hope not...I just depressed myself even more lol...

Blah blah blah blah blah, I need to get out of this!!!

`` L



Stacey said...

Hi! Man oh man... I'm with you, sister. I am totally on the weigh-loss merry-go-round / roller coaster whammy of the blues. It is SOOO hard. Why? WHY? WHYYYY??? I've no good advice. I live in the land of horrible food (the UK) and I've STILL managed to gain tons of weight. Sigh. I found your blog via Chez Nous, and I'm so glad I did! Thanks for sharing. God bless!!!

MICHELE said...

Hey there friend... cheer up! I think you're awesome just as you are! Truth is.... I work very hard...think "paddling up stream"..during these cold, blah keep from the insanity! Go ahead friend... light a candle or two, buy a Leslie Sansone's walking dvd, or go to your favorite store MEIJERS and buy something special and perky just for YOU!

Sending you a hug...Michele

Sweet Woodruff said...

What's up with 30 different ESPN channels. Who cares? I don't get it. It makes me mad we have to pay for it. I'm sorry you lost your BBC. You can get some shows off Netflix if you need a fix.

My husband is from St. Louis and all my nieces and nephews laugh at my fixin' to do this and fixin' to go here. I don't ever think about it not being in everyone's vocabulary.

OK, so do you still call a coke a Coke? or do you call it Pop yet? As long as you still call it Coke, you can come home some day. :)

I grew up in a tiny town called Ingram which is 60 miles northwest of San Antonio. Are you from El Paso?

Sorry about the diet thing. I was in a wreck 3 years ago and it's ruined my back and I've gained 35 Lbs since my wreck. I've GOT to get this weight off immediately because I have no fat clothes and it makes my back hurt worse.

*sigh* Woe is me.

Lisa said...

Hugs, Penny!

Anonymous said...

I read your post while eating ice cream.

Screw it Pen. You can't battle all the demons at once. You don't even have to. The winter blah's always hit hard..go ahead and become one with your inner squirrel.
