The stuff that little Texan zombie goddesses are made of, living where the brains are served warm and the sarcasm is served raw.

The Adventures Of Zuzu Zombie, Undead Detective

Saturday, January 17, 2009

my inner squirrel

I have recieved much support for my need to feed during these cold crappy days, and to y'all I have much thanks to give. One of the posters, going by the code name "anonymous" (although I have a good idea *who* you are lol), gave me this wise advice:

~**~Become one with your inner squirrel~**~
So, I think I will. Granted, it will be in moderation, of course, but I ain't gonna beat meself up anymore. So, like my squirrely friend below, I'm going to enjoy my squirrely munchies and try to love my squirrely curves.

Tidbits of the day:

It managed to snow all stinky day long today. Lord God NO MORE SNOW!!

I watched "Mirrors" last night, and by far the best part was the girl in the tub. You'll have to watch it to understand.

My cat Mickey needs to die because he is too hard-headed. I have never met a cat that will fight me for my glass of milk and will eat the popcorn out of my bowl.

Ordered two songs to practice for my special on the 1st of February, "Ordinary Miracle" by Sarah Mclachlan and "Psalm 23" by Kathy Triccoli. Not sure which one to do, but I am terrified of screwing them both up. I need a confidence boost, stat!

I may just start a class through Eastern Michigan District for a theology degree. We will see.

My feet are cold. They are always cold. Always always.

I will begin editing my book this coming week. Hope it is as interesting as I remember lol.

If anyone out there wants to send me a package with sunshine and warmth in it, let me know or just surprise me with it. Please....

So stay warm, stay sane, and embrace your inner squirrel.

Besos a todos mis amores...



Anonymous said...


send me the picture of your cat acting that way, and I will post it here on my blog okay?

I had a system crash last week and lost all my pics... :(

besides the snow, how is everything else????

jesse noe

MICHELE said...

okay...I need to know more about this theology degree... it sounds so awesome!

throwing a snowball at ya!

Sweet Woodruff said...

Amen. Just seemed like something I should say to your sermon, being as it's Sunday and all. :)

Lisa said...

I would send you sunshine and warmth, but it's in short supply over here as well. lol

Stacey said...

I am eating chocolate, candy-coated peanuts as we speak. I guess I am embracing my inner squirrel! I love that. I think I'll give it a try. I'd also love to send you some sunshine, but since I live in Scotland, if I get any sunshine at all, I'm hoarding it all for myself! And the theology degree... go for it! I started an M.Div., but had to quit due to insane travel, lack of money, and huge time constraints... like having to work for a living and stuff like that. I still long to finish it. I may attempt an online program.

Thanks for your wonderful, breath-of-fresh-air blog!