The stuff that little Texan zombie goddesses are made of, living where the brains are served warm and the sarcasm is served raw.

The Adventures Of Zuzu Zombie, Undead Detective

Monday, April 21, 2008

flippin sweet!

A friend of mine, Janet Hardin, told me at church yesterday that she got me a present when she was in Florida, and handed me these wristbands. I am a *huge* Napoleon Dynamite fan, and these are, well, FLIPPIN' SWEET!!! How can you not love that?!!? ND was even on tv last night, and I forced my husband to sit through it again. He doesn't get it, but you do...right?? Maybe I'll hang them up in my bead cubby for safe keeping :).
My dear hubby preached yesterday, and his message was centered around Psalms 46:10, "Be still, and know that I am God." How often do we take time to be still, set aside all those time-saving devices that do nothing but rob us of our time, turn off the tv, breathe, and just be in the moment? Not often enough, especially in a society where if you aren't moving, you are getting run over.
This morning, I took that time. Granted, I have a horrid spring cold and wanted nothing more than to just stay in bed and whine. I knew that if I did that, I would have to be rushing to get school work ready for the girls, dishes washed, clothes put away, etc., etc., and I would find a million reasons why I couldn't be still, and then get angry because I was rushed and couldn't relax. I deal with depression, insomina, anger, control issues, and if I was honest with myself, *I* am more than likely the reason for my problems. Maybe a lot of the problems that we deal with in this world, like the aforementioned, aren't always due to hormone imbalances but to spiritual discipline imbalances. Never taking time out to center, meditate, pray, read the Word Of God instead of WorldNetDaily, listening to a devotional (like Pray-As-You-Go...hint hint) instead of negativity. Let's face it, a good, and constant, shot of positive messages and love can go a long way.
Disclaimer time: **NOW**, listen up...this isn't to say that hormonal imbalances aren't real, because I absolutely believe that they *are*, been there done that. I am speaking of *me* and *my* experiences with these issues and a slew of long-named depression medications that did nothing to cure the problem, only mask it, so no one get all huffy and your knickers in a twist and call me Tom Cruise or something nasty like that lol!!!
This week, I am going to work on my spiritual disciplines, taking time to be still, and know that He is God. I encourage you to do the same, in whatever way works for you. Leave the tv off a few extra minutes in the morning during coffee...go outside and sit instead of playing a computer game (preaching to me too lol)...learn the difference between "world changing important" and "time stealer"...put down the mystery novel and pick up the greatest love story every told found, conveniently, in a little book called "The Holy Bible".
Be still.
Be still, and know.
Be still, and know that He is God.
Be still.
Flippin' Sweet.

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