The stuff that little Texan zombie goddesses are made of, living where the brains are served warm and the sarcasm is served raw.

The Adventures Of Zuzu Zombie, Undead Detective

Sunday, August 8, 2010

30 days of truth- day 7

Day 07 → Someone who has made your life worth living for.

Easy: my kids. Three absolutely insane, hard-headed, big hearted girls that are, whether I want to admit it or not, just like me. Just in three different bodies. Heaven help this planet when they are one day unleashed :).

Sang at my friends' church today, and was very happy with how it turned out. The musicians did a good job and I rocked the mic :). Then I came home and took a nap lol. That is what I call a good Sunday.

Saturday we spent part of the day "downtown" (in quotes because downtown Oxford is a street basically lol) for "Oxford Days". We ate, wandered around, the girls played and all had a good time. Later, we went over to another friend's house where I imbibed in a bit too much tequila. This morning (yes, the same morning of singing), I felt like I had been hit by a bus. Tequila just doesn't love me a much as I love it anymore haha. We also watched the movie "Hot Tub Time Machine". I thought is was really funny, but my opinion may have been skewed by my blood alcohol level :).

Here is to a new week, and hope that I didn't destroy my weight loss over the weekend :Z.

Peace, Love and (1 shot, 2 shot, 3 shot, floor) Zombies \IiiI


Pamela said...

Here's one for your holiday imbibing:

Comet, Cupid, Donner...Blitzed!

Magaly Guerrero said...

Things like these make me feel bad about being 30-something and childless. I want to look at a little face that is half of me, and chuckle as I wonder if the world will have to put up with another mind/mouth just like mind.

Your kids and you are very lucky to have each other, but you already knew that.

Glad you had fun singing!

Oh, and don't think I forgot my award, I'm just waiting for the perfect moment to post it ;-)