The stuff that little Texan zombie goddesses are made of, living where the brains are served warm and the sarcasm is served raw.

The Adventures Of Zuzu Zombie, Undead Detective

Saturday, January 24, 2009

zombie girl poem

My Texas momma, Wiley, is holding a poetry contest for fun with the family. I am blessed to be a part of this family, so I wrote a heart-felt poem for it, and it is called...

Texas Zombie Girl Goes To Michigan
By Penny White
A sweet Texas zombie girl, she never was sated,
Was called by a zombie friend, totally elated.
“Michigan, come here, and see you will,
“many slow northern brains, you get your fill!”
She rolled up her body bag and holey knapsack,
Hid in a chicken truck and fed in the back.
Texas, Louisana, Mississippi, Tennessee,
“Adventure for food good for zombie like me!”
Farther from Texas, closer to Mich’,
She suddenly noticed a problem she couldn’t dismiss.
Slowly she watched, section by section,
Body parts, sloughing off…was there a connection?
First went a finger, then plunk a toe,
With a clink on the floor went the ring from her nose.
Then through Kentucky, the land of blue grass,
To her dismay, she lost a piece of her…upper thigh.
There she sat sad, tears flowin’ down,
When into her lap plopped her right crown.
Suddenly she gasped and covered her eyes,
Her shirt fell flat making her a boy size.
Zombie girl stood and stared over the side,
Michigan soon…had to decide.
Frozen brains, ear soup, fish finger lollys,
Leggy popsicles…oh gosh, oh golly.
Could she take it for the sake of tummy,
Falling apart to eat stuff so yummy?
Then she looked down, and saw the horrid toll,
She was going to Michigan with her knees in a bowl.
That zombie girl screeched, that zombie girl screamed,
That zombie girl jumped from her chickeny dream.
Grabbing her foot that snapped off with her leap,
She yanked a driver from the seat of a Jeep.
“Me go to Texas, you stay in the back,
“I need you here for a mid-travel snack!”
A few hours later, jeep owner devoured,
Zombie girl looked up at an old water tower.
“Welcome To Texas! Best Place To Be!”
Zombie girl danced in her seat with glee.
Home of cactus, sand and spiders,
Tasty coyotes, jackrabbits and hikers.
“Leave you no Texas, me stay forever!
Michigan no good! Too cold weather!”
“Snow and zombie no way can mix,
The best place is desert for this zombie chick.”
Driving into the sunset of a clear desert sky,
Zombie girl smiled with her one lip and sighed.
“Hungry I am, hungry always be,
But Texas is it for girl zombie like me.”

1 comment:

Sleepy Cat Hollow said...


You are too funny, Penny!

Sorta sad too. What does your husband do that keeps you tied to Michigan?