The stuff that little Texan zombie goddesses are made of, living where the brains are served warm and the sarcasm is served raw.

The Adventures Of Zuzu Zombie, Undead Detective

Monday, November 17, 2008

simple woman's daybook

For Today...17 November 2008
Outside my Window...Snow and cold, grey clouds full of the promise of more snow.
From the learning rooms...I am conducting a class I am calling "common sense would dictate...". I am doing this because I am kind of tired of being the only person in the house who apparently has the ability to pick up paper off the floor, put dishes in the dishwasher, close doors, shut know, common sense stuff.
I am thankful for...Peppermint Mocha Frappacinos
From the kitchen...The scent of the Beef Stroganoff I made for lunch and chicken defrosting for the Chicken and Rice bake I am making for dinner.
I am wearing...Green tie pants, Don's sweatshirt and his work socks
I am reading...Starting a new M.C Beaton book
I am hoping...To become warm again someday
I am creating...A NaNoWriMo novel that will never see the light of day and a crocheted blanket.
I am hearing...The kids getting the laundry downstairs to the laundry room and the dog thinking that it is a game
Around the house...Let's not go there...
One of my favorite things...My mini heater that will be coming out of storage *real* soon.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...Board meeting, Christmas play practice, writing, co-op
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...
Actually I have two.

Sierra is now the proud owner of braces. Purple and green to be exact :). She has to be very careful, especially because of the fact that she has an open gap from the tooth she had knocked out two years ago, and there is a wire running across it that can easily break. She has been very good in changing her eating habits, since now there is quite a bit she cannot eat. No tortilla chips and popcorn (her two favorite snacks) and no chewy stuff. She has to cut up her food and not eat leading with her front teeth. She has become so very conscious of her smile and is now so very happy knowing that soon she will have straight teeth.

The first snow of the season. Yea. Yippee. Yahoo. Meh.
There you go, my life in a nutshelled blog. I am hoping to get some beadwork done and maybe show it to y'all here. I hope for a lot of stuff...


Lisa said...

Beef stroganoff sounds excellent. Sierra looks adorable!

Sleepy Cat Hollow said...

Do I sense a hint of sarcasm about that first snow fall? ;)

Poor more popcorn.

Can't wait to see your beadwork!