The stuff that little Texan zombie goddesses are made of, living where the brains are served warm and the sarcasm is served raw.

The Adventures Of Zuzu Zombie, Undead Detective

Thursday, November 20, 2008

my favorite products

One of my bloggy co-op buds, Michelle, started this little meme of "my favorite products", which was swiftly followed by my other bloggy co-op and NaNoWriMo bud, Lisa, and so, not wanting to not be included in something cool, I'm gonna do it too :).


First on this list is a product introduced to me by my BFF and my Texma, Naomi and Billie: my Neutrogena Light Sesame Formula Body Oil. I use this oil every time after a shower and even inbetween time, especially during these nasty cold months. It is wonderful, isn't oily oil, if you know what I mean, and has a wonderful light scent to it. Makes the tattoo'ing of the wrists and ankles a breeze lol. The tattoo artist who did the design on my right wrist commented on how soft my skin was and how it made his job easier. My pleasure, Mr. Tattoo Piercing Guy :).

Next is another product introduced by the same awesome folks: Oil Of Olay Definity Foaming Moisturizer. I have always had trouble with dry skin and pores you can drive a car through on my face. This is the first moisturizer I have ever been able to use that didn't cause me to break out or make my face greasier than necessary. At $25 a bottle, I am grateful that it lasts up to 6 months lol.

I always always have my lip balm with me, and the only one I ever use is Carmex Menthol. Great stuff for the lips and guess what, it works great as a tattoo moisturizer and healer! Two jobs in one!

I don't wear make-up all the time, but I do always wear mascara, and the one I like the most is Lash Exact by Cover Girl. Queen Latifah is so cool, don't you think?

Finally, something I never ever leave the house without: my perfume. My two favorites (I have four, but don't have the money for the others) are Turquoise and Silver by Desert Scents and Lucky Number Six by Liz Claiborne. I fell in the love with the first one when I first tried it at Jackalope in Bernalillo, New Mexico and my father purchased it for me. It reminds me of home and him. The second was purchased for me by, you guess it, the Texas family. What can I say? Naomi and Billie have the greatest taste in perfume, make-up, clothing, shoes, get the idea.

So, there you go. All great products that I highly recommend :).

Back to what y'all were doing!


Oh, and p.s... Congress sucks and if I hear the term "Those Big 3 bigwigs in their corporate jets" one more time, I'll puke. Don't punish the workers who are losing their jobs left and right because of a pompous rich pendejo like Wagoner. Obama, where art thou???

1 comment:

MICHELE said...

Thanks for playing along, tatoo-lady!!! I had no idea you were inked!
See? It's a good thing you played along!!!

You're a hoot!
