The stuff that little Texan zombie goddesses are made of, living where the brains are served warm and the sarcasm is served raw.

The Adventures Of Zuzu Zombie, Undead Detective

Saturday, October 25, 2008

something interesting on a saturday

I know I haven't been around as of late. There are a number of reasons: haven't felt well, been busy, been depressed, been waiting for Don to give me the pics from last weekend, etc. etc. Well, one of my friends from the homeschool co-op, Michelle, and I traded blog address, and I found this little ditty on there. She borrowed it from Lisa, another wonderful homeschool freak, and now I am borrowing it from her :). We are a sharing type of people around here.

"I" Saturday (it's all about me, it's all about I...)
I am: Watching "The Road To El Dorado", rolling over and over in my head the new "Saw V" movie I went to last night, and dreading the amount of housework I have today.

I think: Laundry should fold and put itself away. After all, I give it a bath!

I have: A headache...nothing new.

I dislike: The people who drive down my road way to fast and having no Chinese food restaurants worth going to here in Oxford

I miss: My mom and dad, my family in Texas and my 21 year old waistline.

I fear: My daughters' desire to go to public school.

I feel: tired.

I hear: The wind blowing rather hard, slowly knocking off the last lingering leaves off the trees.

I smell: Don's breakfast, yuck.

I crave: Kung Pao Chicken, a Corona, a shopping spree, contentment with where, and who, I am.

I cry: About confusion and my inability to make it go away.

I usually: Bitch too much and laugh too often...yeah, contradictory, eh?

I search: for gifties that will make my friends smile. I love surprising people with little pieces of kitsch.

I wonder: Why I am here in Michigan and not in Texas where I truly desire to be. There has to be a purpose to freezing my butt off all the time in a state with no culture!

I regret: Not being with my mom and dad when they passed away.

I wish: I could take my drive between Albuquerque and El Paso like I used to. 4 hours alone, sunrise in the southwest desert, just me and God. Seeing my Texas family at one end, and knowing my dad was waiting for me on the other.

I love: Chinese food, my girls' smiling, my husband, a good suspensful book, hot bathes, chilled Corona with lime, the desert.

I care: About so much so often that I tend to stop caring about myself.

I always: hate my appearance, wish I was elsewhere, need soda, want love and to be left alone.

I worry: About growing old and not showing my girls how to truly live.

I am not: tolerant of stupid or slow working people, drivers who don't slow down on my road.

I remember: Sitting outside at my Texas mom's house, having coffee, listening to the fountain in the pool and the cactus wrens singing on the fence, the warm sun and cool winds around me, and knowing that that was what heaven felt like.

I believe: That God holds me in His hand and has a plan for me, no matter how much I try to wringle out and walk away because it isn't *my* plan.

I listen: To heavy metal music and I like it.

I sing: And I love it. I have been singing for as long as I can remember, and it is the way I feel I can touch God and show him my gratitude for all He has done for me.

I don't always: Eat properly or believe in myself.

I write: On my blog, emails and on paper. I have written a novel in my head everyday since my mother died, and even more since my father passed.

I win: Because I know how to manipulate people with a smile and awesome food lol.

I lose: Simple thoughts, my keys and my mind, but not weight...yet.

I don't understand: Why Madonna is still big when she is like, 90 and *nasty* and why a woman size 12 is considered "plus sized".

I can usually be found: In my home, taking care of my family, and learning new and improved techniques on how to eliminate the zombie populations.

I need: A pumpkin frappucino, chinese food, more time and more love.

I forget: What I was just about to say...

I am happy: Because my family loves me and tolerates my many colored moods.


That was fun, wasn't it boys and girls? Hopefully next time I will have answers from my ultrasound with directions on which way to go and pictures to share.

Until next time,



Anonymous said...

Hi Penny!

I share in your pain with the loss of a dad was my best friend! He died too young and I miss him every day.

I'm glad you did the meme... I found out some pretty nice things about you!

I'll be watching/waiting for your u/s report!

Happy weekend..
Your friend,

Sleepy Cat Hollow said...

Hmmmm...I need to send my April your way to help you adapt better to Oxford. Maybe she knows of a good chinese place.