The stuff that little Texan zombie goddesses are made of, living where the brains are served warm and the sarcasm is served raw.

The Adventures Of Zuzu Zombie, Undead Detective

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

by the way...

I love hearing from my fellow "A Simple Woman's Daybook" participants. I have "met" some really sweet people (Chez Nous and Sleepy Cat Hollow) and read some fun blogs (like the one Ms. Sleepy introduced me to, April's Atelier, who also happens to be a fellow Oxfordite!). Being a homeschooling mommy can cut down on the amount of "adult" conversation I get during a day, and getting to chat with these lovely ladies makes me smile!

So, thank you, my fellow bloggers, and know that, even though we may never meet, we will always be friends :).



Anonymous said...

Rats, my whole note got eaten up when Blogger stalled. Anyway, just wanted to thank you for visiting your fellow Michiganian! Have a great day! (I love the sample business cards BTW!)

Sleepy Cat Hollow said...

:) Hugs to you!

I like that 3rd card down...

Pamela said...

How lovely - I'm on your blogroll! I enjoy hearing from you.
