The stuff that little Texan zombie goddesses are made of, living where the brains are served warm and the sarcasm is served raw.

The Adventures Of Zuzu Zombie, Undead Detective

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

lightening volt

This is my husband. Michigan native, 6'4, daddy, friend, pastor and all around cool cotton' pickin' guy.

He is also one of the ground floor go-to guys for the next big thing in car history: the GM Volt!

I love reading the articles and watching the videos of this car. Granted, all you will ever see are the big wigs and high muckety-mucks on them, but my husband is there. The first video that was ever put up on line, my hubs was standing in the background. From the military stud who could drink you under the table of 17 years ago to the amazing man who is helping restart GM, I mean, wow. I am so incredibly proud of him, and have more than a million reasons to be!



Debbie said...

They were talking about the unveiling of this car on our local news last night.....did I hear them right when they said something about triple digit gas mileage?? Looks pretty cool too...your husband and the boys at GM done good. :)

Texan Zombie Goddess said...

They are saying triple digits, and theoretically you can get by buying only one tank of gas per year, according the census that 80% of Americans drive around 40 miles a day. You never know lol.

Thank you...I am very proud of him and his team!