The stuff that little Texan zombie goddesses are made of, living where the brains are served warm and the sarcasm is served raw.

The Adventures Of Zuzu Zombie, Undead Detective

Monday, September 29, 2008

simple woman's daybook

For Today...29 September 2008

Outside my Window...It's grey and cool. The leaves are changing colors faster everyday, and the birds seem to be incredibly loud this morning. I finally filled their feeder, so maybe they are just thanking me.
From the learning rooms...we are checking out a new co-op at a church a few minutes from here, then lunch, reading, writing and math.
I am thankful for...too much right now. Ahh, the life of a bi-polar maniac...yes, I said maniac. Right now it is all good, and if I could sum up how I feel in one word, it would be the word hopeful. Wonder if I can bottle this feeling and take a sip now and then.
From the kitchen...The only thing necessary: COFFEE.
I am wearing...Happy Bunny nightpants, U of M t-shirt and my huge green sweater. I'm a bit slow this morning.
I am reading...Actually, I was thinking about reading the original "Alice In Wonderland" just for fun, and finishing up my Terry Brooks book.
I am hoping...That the girls enjoy the new co-op, and that my friend Heidi will be there. It has been too long since I last saw her.
I am creating...I don't really know, but it will be good, I promise.
I am hearing...the sound the DVR makes constantly taping live TV so my lazy butt can pause, rewind and fast forward through stuff I shouldn't be watching anyway.
Around the house...there are those cotton pickin' fur tumbleweeds, laundry to be folded, and a feeling of "ahhhh" right now.
One of my favorite things...quiet mornings just like this.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The, soccer, laundry, library tomorrow, some beadwork, probably some chaos, a few bumps, and some apple cider on Wednesday because it will finally be time for some! Mmmmmm...cider...
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

No, it's not my foot, but the foot of my momma Wiley. She couldn't think of a new, super cool accessory, so went with the uber-chic pink cast look. Even her toenails are still perfectly coiffed. I can't keep mine painted for a week lol. I wanna be her when I grow up...if I grow up...

Until then y'all...



Lisa said...

Hopeful is a good feeling!yadjx

boo said...

I am so happy the blog is back up!!! Hopeful is really good. I love you.
