Raze me about Texas, I get sensitive.
Raze people about Michigan, they get sensitive.
Raze people about the pc/apple debate, they get sensitive.
See where I am going here?
The friend comes back and says, "Penny, as usual you make no sense." I said, "You don't want to get started about cycle riders and their helmet hair issues and I don't want to make you pout :)"
Meaning, he is going to defend cycle riders and I am going to pick on him.
Still understanding?
I went to his page and said, "I am just needling you because you are so easy to rile up lol. Don't be mad at me. I'll stop picking on you someday...maybe...maybe not lol."
He came back and said, "I don't mind needling if it is witty or has any intelligence at all. You are severely lacking both."
So, thank you for calling me stupid when I was actually *apologizing* to you. Do me a favor. Save yourself from my stupidity and don't speak to me again.
Fuck you.
Have a nice day.
Peace, Love and (words hurt. you win) Zombies \IiiI
He's a sensitive one. Was he MANstruating? He needs a Midol and a sense of humor. Sheesh.
I know. I don't want to sound sensitive myself, but this is actually a person I looked up to because he was my husband's close friend and mentor. To have him say that to me hurt more than I want to admit. It stinks.
Anyone who knows me knows how I talk. If I feel I went to far, I apologize every single time. Some men are just bigger pussies than necessary I guess lol.
You need to put "friend" in quotes. I think this speaks to the problematic nature of reading other people's thoughts as opposed to face to face meaning or even the subtleties that can be conveyed vocally on the phone. It's not your fault. You tried to account for all of the above with the lol and smiley faces, but somehow he still managed to feel attacked.
I think we should all go old school and hang out together with people that you can access nearby and leave the facebook/twitter/blogosphere thing for people that you know already get you and love you or if they don't already will manage to keep up.
maybe if you're lucky he will fall off his bike and scrape off all of his hair
Bingsy@ this person has known me for years, spoken to me face-to-face and all, and should, by now, know who I am. That is what confuses me the most.
Cog@ he is already bald lol.
Or maybe he already fell off his bike and cracked his head because damn...rude and totally uncalled for. Mejis may be right, he needs a sense of humor ~ stat!
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