The stuff that little Texan zombie goddesses are made of, living where the brains are served warm and the sarcasm is served raw.

The Adventures Of Zuzu Zombie, Undead Detective

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

where you from? where you at?

Useless information. Ready?

This is where I live...

Oxford, Michigan. Home of boring food, bad drivers, for lease signs, pretty trees and shitty weather. Population approximately 3540. Yes, you read that correctly. We have one grocery store that sucks, if you want Starbuck's you now have to drive to either Lake Orion or Lapeer since they closed ours down, you have a 25-30 minute drive to get to a mall or Target or a 40 minute drive to get to a Walmart that you won't be afraid to shop in.

Interesting facts? I had to look at *5* different sites just to come up with these!

-One Oxford High graduate to have played in the NFL was Mike Lantry (University of Michigan / Dallas Cowboys). ~~There were others, but this guy was a Cowboy...nuff said.

-It was once home to Brace Beemer, radio's Lone Ranger.

-Oxford is known as "The Gravel Capital of the World" (whoopee).

This is where I grew up and want to be now...
El Paso, Texas. Home of awesome Mexican food, fantastic weather, culture, color and the 2nd safest city in the entire United States. Population approximately 780,000. Everything you want it within at least 5 minutes of wherever you are at any given time.

Interesting facts? Found these *everywhere*!

-The tequila based drink known as the Margarita, was allegedly invented in the El Paso/Juarez region at a place called Tommy's Bar back on July 4, 1945 by Francisco "Pancho" Morales. ~~ Works for me!!!!

-El Paso Street, the city's first and oldest street, has seen the footsteps of Wyatt Earp, Pat Garrett, Billy The Kid, President William H. Taft and Pancho Villa, and was the scene of the infamous "Four Dead in Five Seconds Gunfight".

-Outlaw John Wesley Hardin is buried in Concordia Cemetery.

-El Paso is the only major city in Texas to be on Mountain Standard Time. When Cuidad Juarez, Mexico was on Central, you could actually celebrate New Year's twice by simply going over the border.

-El Paso is called the "Sun City" ~~ Waaaaay freaking better than the f'ing gravel capital if you ask me!

There you go. No reason at all. Just felt like it.

Peace, Love and (gravel capital? really????) Zombies \IiiI

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

no fan of man

Spent four hours yesterday with the hubs up in the attic putting in insulation. No easy feat let me tell you, but I know it would have been worse if I still had that extra 42 lbs. hanging around my middle. Today, my entire boy aches, not to mention I am fighting some kind of creeping crud that is keeping me tired and nauseous. Meh.

The hubs and I have given the oldest permission to quit flag corp when the season ends at the end of the month. I was hoping she could do it all through high school, but there are things that are preventing that from happening. Number 1 on the list: their suck ass coach, or whatever you want to call the woman who is supposed to be the coach but never shows up for practices *or* competitions. Seriously? Why the f do you do what you do if you don't really do it or give a shit about it???? Number 2: the douchebag that is the band director. He has actually told the flag corp (and more than one girl told me the same thing), that any competitions they lose will rest completely on the flag corp's shoulders. Really? I've heard that band and they S U C K!!!!! Am I saying that the flag corp is perfect, absolutely not, but to blame them for everything everyone else does wrong is total bullshit in my book. These girls on flags have worked their asses off since June, so it isn't from a lack of heart, but a lack of adults who have any brains or even care. This is by far the worst run program I have ever seen and I am glad to see my daughter get away from it. She has stuck it out, worked constantly, practiced at home, at night, on weekends and she has come home feeling like a loser because the director had the band gang up on them and tell them that everything was their fault. Well, band director and pinhead coach, screw you both. You lost a good thing in these girls!

Ugh, my old age is bringing on an inability to put up with stupid bullshit. I hope evil zombie clowns eat them in their sleep.

(Like this guy. Freddy Krueger is a lamb in comparison.)

Sorry I had to vent, but it was either that or go and punch the shit out of the dillwads at the school.

Thank you for listening :).

Peace, Love and (killer clowns is how I roll) Zombies \IiiI